a website detailing the wrongful conviction of Amanda Knox & Raffaele Sollecito

April 30, 2013: The Butterfly Effect: How the trial of Amanda Knox, half a world away, made a bunch of Americans miserable, spawned a justice league, and maybe started a scientific revolution. Maybe.
When Fischer entered the fray, he found that a loose network of activists, including Waterbury, had been forming. Fischer didn’t have an area of expertise, but he did have time. In early 2010 he launched Injustice in Perugia, a community website that hosted analysis from advocates, updates for the curious, and forums for supporters.
April 29, 2013: Sam Leith: It’s Amanda Knox’s right to tell her side of the story
Is it seemly that Amanda Knox should make millions of dollars out of her memoir Waiting To Be Heard? Meredith Kercher lies dead. Is this not a cash-in; an insult to her memory? Well, she won’t be the first person to have made money out of Kercher’s death. A lot of lawyers have been compensated, a lot of newspapers sold, a lot of “friends” paid off and a lot of books have come out: such sober contributions to the historical record as Death in Perugia, The Fatal Gift of Beauty, Trial by Fury, Angel Face, Darkness Descending and The Monster of Perugia. Continue reading
April 25, 2013: Good Cops, Bad Cops By Timothy Egan
The 102-hour sprint from the moment two bombs went off in Boston to the capture of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in Watertown, Mass., should be capsulized and sent to every law enforcement academy. Tireless culling of video images, apt use of tips and technology, and quick action by a fleet of cops showed both the risk and the range of good police work.
By contrast, we are reminded this month of the terrible price of bad police work. Amanda Knox’s book about her ordeal as a prisoner of coincidence for a murder in Italy and a documentary about five innocent teenagers framed for the Central Park rape case present a blueprint of official malpractice. Continue reading
April 23, 2013: Greed Continues to Fuel Patrick Lumumba's Hatred Toward Amanda Knox
n a recent interview with John Follain of the Sunday Times, Patrick Lumumba stated that Amanda Knox’s book deal was dirty money. Like Knox, Lumumba was falsely accused of murdering Meredith Kercher by Perugian authorities in late 2007. The difference being that Knox spent nearly 4 years in prison before being exonerated. Lumumba’s ordeal with police was cleared up within 2 weeks. Continue reading
April 22, 2013: What they did to Amanda Knox
The Daily News obtained an early copy of the nearly 500-page book in which Knox describes the sexual harassment and suicidal thoughts that plagued her in prison. Continue reading
April 19, 2013: “Burn Her at the Stake” Amanda Knox was acquitted of murder. Why do so many people still hate her so much?
The extreme viciousness of the anti-Amanda commentariage is startling. There are countless statements calling for the murdering, raping, torturing, throat-cutting, frying, hanging, electrocution, burning, and rotting in hell of Amanda, along with her sisters, family, friends, and supporters. Why? And why in general are there so many savage, crazy, vicious, and angry people on the Internet? Continue reading
April 19, 2013: People Magazine: Amanda Knox Talks for First Time about Agony of Jail, Joys of Freedom
She's been free since 2011, but Amanda Knox – who spent four years in Italian prison for murder – still faces moments of crippling anxiety, she tells PEOPLE Magazine exclusively. Continue reading
April 18, 2013: In New Memoir, Public Testimony on Italian Murder Case
While imprisoned in Italy for four years over the murder of her roommate, Amanda Knox fended off sexual harassment from guards and an overture from a cellmate. On the night of the killing, she was smoking marijuana and watching a movie with her Italian boyfriend. And those infamous cartwheels that Ms. Knox reportedly performed in the police station never happened. Continue reading
April 14, 2013: Amanda Knox's ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito moves to Switzerland for the quiet life
Raffaele Sollecito, the former boyfriend of Amanda Knox, has left Italy to start a new life in Switzerland, although his father says he will return to Italy to face trial for the murder of Meredith Kercher. Continue reading
April 13, 2013: Support for Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito Remains Steadfast
Unfortunately, common sense was thrown out the window when Hellmann’s decision was recently overturned by the Italian Supreme Court, sending the case back to the appellate level for review. The new trial will be heard in Florence, and regardless of the outcome, believe it or not, that decision will be appealed as well. Continue reading
Amanda Knox Interview on Good Morning America, May 1, 2013
Attorney Ted Simon Discusses Recent Events
Amanda Knox 'Shocked' Over New Murder Trial
March 31, 2013: Amanda Knox: The carnival ride continues
When is an acquittal not an acquittal? When Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito go before an Italian court.
March 30, 2013: Judge That Declared Amanda Knox Innocent In 2011 Speaks Out About Recent Ruling
On October 3, 2011, appeals court Judge Claudio Pratillo Hellmann, presiding over a crowded courtroom, confidently declared that Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito were innocent, stating the two had absolutely nothing to do with the murder of Meredith Kercher. Continue reading
March 29, 2013: The Amanda Knox Haters Society: How They Learned to Hate Me Too
When Italy‘s highest court reversed the acquittal of Amanda Knox and ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito this week, a small cottage industry on the internet began grinding back into high gear. Continue reading
March 29, 2013: Amanda and Raffaele: A Disappointing Setback
March 25, 2013, Rome, Italy. The Italian Supreme Court (Court of Cassation) sent Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito’s case back to the appeal level for review to the disappointment of the university students who were wrongly convicted of the death of Amanda’s roommate, Meredith Kercher, in 2007. Continue reading
March 26, 2013: Amanda Knox back on "The railroad job from hell" investigator Paul Ciolino tells West Seattle Herald By Steve Shay
The legal ordeal, and anguish, of West Seattle-raised Amanda Knox, and her former Italian boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, continues. Both were aquitted Oct. 3, 2011 of all murder charges of her British college roommate, Meredith Kercher, stabbed to death in their shared apartment Nov. 1, 2007 in Perugia, Italy, also the town where trial took place. Continue reading
March 26, 2013: Italy High Court Overturns Amanda Knox Acquittal, Orders New Trial
Amanda Knox was "shocked" by Italy's Supreme Court ruling today that she must be retried for the 2007 murder of her roommate Meredith Kercher. Knox spent four years in prison before an Italian appeals court threw out her murder conviction in 2011 and she had been hoping the court would uphold the appeals court ruling and end her six year ordeal. Continue reading
March 26, 2013: Amanda Knox's retrial puts Italian justice in the dock
Rudy Guede killed Meredith Kercher. The continued pursuit of Knox and Rafaelle Sollecito implies incompetence and misogyny. Continue reading
March 26, 2013: Hope and despair as case is reopened: Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito to be tried again over murder of Meredith Kercher
More than five years after Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito were first arrested, they face a new murder trial. Continue reading
March 26, 2013: Court Ruling Upends Effort by Knox at Normal Life
"She's living the life of a normal college student," said Candace Dempsey, a Seattle journalist and author of "Murder in Italy," a book about Knox. "I think we're seeing who she really is — that she's not the drug-crazed, sex-hungry American girl that the prosecutors have fantasized." Continue reading

Amanda Knox Interview With Diane Sawyer, April 30, 2013
Click on the image above to watch the entire interview
Amanda Knox Family Interview With Elizabeth Vargas, May 1, 2013