Injustice in Perugia
A site detailing the wrongful conviction of Amanda Knox & Raffaele Sollecito
The Truth Set Them Free
Meredith Kercher was murdered in Perugia Italy, November 1st, 2007. Meredith was a beautiful young woman who had her life stolen from her in an act of pure evil. Her murder would change many lives forever. For Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, it was the beginning of a long drawn out nightmare that continues to this day.

Three people have been tried and convicted for Meredith Kercher's murder, Rudy Guede, Raffaele Sollecito and Amanda Knox. All of the credible evidence in this case points to Rudy Guede. Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito had nothing to do with this crime. Amanda and Raffaele are both victims of an extreme rush to judgment in a city that was in an understandable state of unrest after a horrific murder had occurred. Lead investigator Edgardo Giobbi was under intense pressure to solve this murder quickly. He didn't look far for his suspects.

Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito were the first people to arrive outside the crime scene the morning following the murder. Amanda Knox shared the residence with Meredith and two other women. Amanda became a suspect from day one. Some viewed her behavior as odd. Over a period of five days, Amanda and Raffaele voluntarily walked to the police station to talk to investigators. They were both unaware that they were suspects. The investigators worked their way around the law by stating that Amanda and Raffaele were being questioned as witnesses. It was reported that their phone conversations were recorded from day one. In my opinion, they were suspects from day one. Questioning Amanda and Raffaele as witnesses instead of suspects, saved the police the extra effort of recording the interrogation. It also allowed the investigators to question Amanda with no attorney present. This became a very important element of this case. The interrogation of Amanda Knox was illegal.

Lead prosecutor Giuliano Mignini was quick to take complete control of this case. He already had two suspects handed to him from Giobbi. It was reported that Investigators found hair at the crime seen believed to belong to an African male. This was mentioned in early reporting but was never mentioned at trial. As it turns out, the hair could have belonged to Meredith. This question was never answered. If this reported hair was indeed one of the first pieces of evidence then how could this evidence possibly link Amanda and Raffaele to the crime? If they were the attackers, who did the African hair belong to?

Mignini's mind went to work. He had a vision of how this crime took place. He believed the crime started out as a sadistic sex game that turned into a brutal murder when Meredith refused to participate. His fantasy of a group sex game gone wrong was based on nothing more than his imagination. This is not the first time Mignini has had these visions. He already had a history of dreaming up satanic ritualistic murder fantasies. In Mignini's mind, the sadistic sex game he was referring to, was instigated by a young woman, she would lead the attack, ordering two men to force the victim to submit to sex, eventually pushing the victim to her knees, torturing her, then killing her, with a knife or knives. Mignini dreamt up this story, wrote the script, then began casting his characters.

Using the information that he acquired from the illegal interrogation of Amanda Knox, Mignini quickly assembled his cast. Amanda was cast as the lead and Amanda's boss Patrick Lumumba was cast in a supporting role. Who's Patrick you ask. I will get to that in a minute. Mignini needed a third character. For that role, he cast Amanda's boyfriend of only six days, Raffaele Sollecito. Now Mignini's cast was complete. But something was wrong. Patrick Lumumba had an airtight alibi. This was not surprising. After all, Mignini wasn't basing anything on evidence. He was simply looking to cast characters for his script. The only evidence he had was a text message on Amanda's phone. The text from Amanda to Patrick, "see you later" was taken literally by the investigators. In the US, this phrase, in the context that it was written, simply means goodbye. This phrase was either lost in translation or was intentionally twisted by the investigators to get the desired result that they needed. It's possible the investigators were also targeting Lumumba because of the African hair that may have been found at the scene. Lumumba, of course, was African.

Meanwhile, the police, unlike Mignini, were looking for actual evidence. Investigators found a hand print on the bed at the crime scene. The finger prints pointed to an African male named Rudy Guede. Shortly after the murder, Guede had fled to Germany. He was stopped in Germany trying to board a train without a ticket and was immediately extradited back to Italy. Mignini's storyline fell apart. Further investigation showed all of the evidence at the crime scene pointed to Rudy Guede. The evidence was clear. There was no evidence at all to suggest that Meredith was killed during a satanic ritualistic group sex game.

The actual facts didn't matter to Mignini. He had already told his fantasy to the press. Bold statements were made that the crime had been solved. They were even bold enough to say, "case closed."  It would be too embarrassing for lead investigator Edgardo Giobbi and lead prosecutor Giuliano Mignini to admit their mistake. Giobbi had boasted about solving the crime so quickly, he even put a photo of Amanda Knox on his wall of Italy's most notorious criminals. Mignini was already being investigated for abuse of office in relation to another case. Mignini was desperate to protect his fragile reputation.

Mignini kept his original script intact. His fantasy storyline only required one casting change. Mignini simply removed Patrick Lumumba and cast Rudy Guede in the second supporting role. He now had his "revised" trio. His cast was once again complete.

Mignini's story would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic. We are not actually talking about characters in a script. Mignini's story is all just ridiculous fantasy but the people involved are very real. Innocent lives are being destroyed.

Amanda Knox barely knew Rudy Guede. She saw him come and go on two occasions because he played basketball with the boys that lived below Amanda's flat. Amanda did place him on a police list of visitors to the downstairs flat, but couldn't even provide his name. Raffaele Sollecito didn't know Rudy at all. Raffaele had only been dating Amanda for six days. Was it really credible to suggest that these three people, who were virtual strangers, got together to commit a brutal sex crazed murder? Could it even be possible that these two young men would take orders from Amanda, a young woman that they both hardly knew? Add the fact that there is no evidence to back up this story and the logical answer would be no.

Mignini sold this ridiculous story to a jury and they bought it. Amanda and Raffaele have been wrongly convicted. They currently sit in prison waiting for their appeal.

This site will show in great detail that a horrible injustice has occurred in Perugia Italy. This site will show how a powerful prosecutor and the media put Amanda Knox on trial in the press long before the actual trial took place. Amanda and Raffaele had nothing to do with this crime.

Please take time and read through the facts of this case. This case has received a lot of attention. There has been intense debate regarding the details. Some have accused Italy of having Anti-American bias. Others have accused the US of simply trying to protect an American student at all costs simply because she doesn't look like a killer. The US has been accused of trying to bully Italy. The battle has gone back and forth causing heated debate. Donald Trump has called for a boycott. A member of the Italian Parliament said it would take the United States military to bring Amanda Home. I could write an entire book on all of the back and forth debate that has occurred over the past two years. All of this is just noise. It's all a big distraction. The world in general is a distraction. Everything moves at a fast pace. People often neglect to look closely at details. We often base our conclusions on sound bites. Whoever does a better job manipulating the media wins. In reality, the media ends up manipulating us.

Look past the distraction. Silence the noise. Take some personal time, and look at the actual facts of this case. If you do, I am confident that you will come to the same conclusion that I have. Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito have been wrongly convicted. A horrible injustice has occurred in Perugia Italy.

Meredith Kercher had her life stolen from her. Meredith and her family deserve justice. Imprisoning two innocent people will bring no peace and, certainly, no justice for Meredith Kercher.
Injustice in Perugia
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"

                                                                                      Martin Luther King Jr.

Click here to watch American Girl, Italian Murder: The Verdict online. This program was aired on December 5, 2009. This program is part of CBS's 48 Hours Mystery Series, which is put together by people with extensive experience investigating and reporting on high-profile crimes.
Click here to watch American Girl, Italian Nightmare. This program was aired on April 11, 2009. This program is part of CBS's 48 Hours Mystery Series, which is put together by people with extensive experience investigating and reporting on high-profile crimes.
Wrongfully Imprisoned
1427 Days
Declared Innocent
Giuliano Mignini
Rudy Guede
Patrick Lumumba
        Meredith Kercher                           Amanda Knox                          Raffaele Sollecito
The Oprah Winfrey Show
The family of Amanda Knox speaks out.

Oprah Winfrey dedicated an entire hour to the family of Amanda Knox. Oprah was very supportive and wants to do what she can to help bring Amanda home.

The family of Amanda Knox speaks out.
ABC News anchorwoman Elizabeth Vargas has reported on the Amanda Knox trial for over a year. She shares her thoughts on the verdict, the fallout and the future. This was part of the Oprah show above. Elizabeth Vargas is a respected journalist. I wanted to highlight her comments in a separate link because Elizabeth does an excellent job of analyzing this case.

Elizabeth Vargas provides excellent analysis on the case.
On December 7, attorney Theodore Simon who has now joined the Amanda Knox defense team, and Vanity Fair contributing editor Judy Bachrach talked to ABC's Diane Sawyer. Elizabeth Vargas also contributes her excellent analysis.

Good Morning America with Diane Sawyer.
ABC News anchorwoman Elizabeth Vargas reports on the verdict in the Amanda Knox trial.

Elizabeth Vargas reports - 22-year-old American college student sentenced to 26 years in prison.
Trump: Amanda Knox prosecutor 'a nut job'

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is on the right side of this topic. You might not agree with everything he says but he does make some excellent points.

Donald Trump speaks out on behalf of Amanda Knox and her family.
Additional Resources
Important Professional Analysis of this Case
Lifetime TV ad created by Charlie Wilkes
Steve Moore is a retired FBI Agent who has 25 years of investigative experience. His experience includes the investigation and prosecution of violent crime, from murder to mass-murder and terrorism. Steve has researched the Meredith Kercher murder case extensively. Steve's expert opinion is one that comes from years of experience and one that must be respected when it comes to crimes of this nature.
Click here to view Steve's articles.
The Conti-Vecchiotti Report
Court appointed independent forensic experts, Stefano Conti and Carla Vecchiotti, from Rome's Sapienza University, have released a scathing report detailing gross negligence on the part of lead forensic scientist, Patricia Stefanoni. The alleged murder weapon and a DNA laced bra clasp have been fully discredited leaving absolutely no credible evidence to confirm the convictions of Amanda and Raffaelle. Translation of this report is now complete.

Click here for full details
Amanda and Raffaele Declared  Innocent!
December 15, 2011: Judge Hellmann's motivation has been released and the translation is now complete.

Click here to download the full report in Italian.
Click here to read the full report translated to English.
October 3, 2011: Judge Hellmann spoke loud and clear when he declared that Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito are innocent. They had absolutely nothing to do with Meredith Kercher's murder.

In the case of the murder (and the sexual assault, transporting the knife, and theft), Amanda and Raffaele were acquitted "for not having committed the act."

With regard to the charge of staging a burglary, Amanda and Raffaele were acquitted "because the act does not exist." (Hellmann's court ruled that the burglary was not staged)

The nightmare for Amanda and Raffaele has finally ended and now the healing can begin. Please give Amanda and Raffaele privacy as they reunite with their families at home.
About Injustice Anywhere

In early 2010, we launched the Injustice in Perugia website with the hope that we could make a difference. The grassroots effort that soon followed was nothing short of inspiring. The team of volunteers that came together early on, worked diligently to make Injustice in Perugia the most comprehensive source for information on the Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito case.

We would like to once again express our sincere gratitude to all those who have come forward to offer their expertise and most importantly their time. Our success would have been impossible without the strong showing of support witnessed here. Now that Amanda and Raffaele are free, we hope to bring the same energy and focus to "Injustice Anywhere," a new organization we have created to help bring more knowledge and attention to wrongful convictions and to work to bring much needed reform. Please visit today. Together we can all make a difference.
Injustice Anywhere Links
Amanda Knox: Evidence Uncollected by Forensic Police
King County Superior Court Judge Michael Heavey Continues to Speak Out For Amanda And Raffaele

The Honorable Michael J. Heavey is a judge in the King County Superior Court of the State of Washington. Judge Heavey is a staunch supporter of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito. Judge Heavey passionately defended Amanda and Raffaele, putting the fight for their freedom ahead of his own career. Click here to read more about Judge Heavey's support.
Please Show Your Support For Injustice Anywhere!
The grassroots effort that we have witnessed here at IIP has been truly inspiring!

Please support us as we continue our efforts to help others who have been wrongfully convicted. No contribution is too small.

Click here to learn more about making contributions to Injustice Anywhere
New Book Written By Raffaele Sollecito With Andrew Gumbel

Honor Bound: My Journey to Hell and Back with Amanda Knox
Ron Hendry is a retired Forensic Engineer (aka Accident Reconstructionist) with 28 years of experience at evaluating and reconstructing serious to fatal incidents based on the physical evidence. Ron has written an important series of articles pertaining to the photographic evidence in this case. Ron was recently interviewed by Linda Byron for King 5 News in Seattle. Click here to view Ron's articles and interview.
New Book Written By Amanda Knox

Waiting to Be Heard: A Memoir
Amanda Knox
Click here to order your copy from

Amanda's book is scheduled to be released April 30, 2013

You may pre-order it now and Amazon will deliver it to you when it arrives.
Amanda Knox Waiting to be Heard
The Grassroots Organization That Helped Free Amanda Knox & Raffaele Sollecito
In early 2010, a grassroots organization came together to further expand the support network for Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito. This organization would become known as Injustice in Perugia. Continue reading →

The article above only touches on the details regarding the support that Amanda and Raffaele received. You can read more about the grassroots effort in the book “Finding Justice in Perugia.”  The book follows the case throughout the appeal, detailing the side shows along the way. The book also includes many heartfelt messages from contributors that gave selflessly to a cause they believed in.